
Self-Watering Planters That Will Help You Get a Green Thumb


Not all of us were born with a green thumb leading some […]

Not all of us were born with a green thumb leading some of us to either underwater or oversaturate our plants because we just don’t know how to take care of them. Self-watering planters take the guessing game out of the equation by giving the plants the right amount of moisture to grow. They’re also a great option for people who travel assuring plant owners that their plants will be taken care of while they’re out of town. Since not all planters are the same, we rounded up 8 modern options that will help you keep your plants hydrated.

The planter arrives in the mail as a piece of origami made from recycled plastic. Pull a cotton drawstring around the lip of the pot, and the pot folds into multi-faceted shape, pulling up around the base of a plant.

Once the planter is assembled, one end of the wicking string dips into a shallow bath of water at the bottom of the pot, while the other is submerged in the soil. The plant will automatically drink up the water through the cotton cord when it gets thirsty, and owners can monitor when it’s time to add more water through the translucent material.

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